New Rotary Club of Louth president

Pictured: Paul Firth, Bill Wood and Jim Randall.Pictured: Paul Firth, Bill Wood and Jim Randall.
Pictured: Paul Firth, Bill Wood and Jim Randall.
The Rotary Club of Louth has a new president for the upcoming year. Last week, outgoing president Paul Firth passed over the chain of office to new president Bill Wood. Jim Randall has been appointed the new vice-president. Mr Firth ended his year in office by organising a very successful Rotary Armed Forces Day Three Choirs Concert at St James's Church and raised in excess of £5,000.

Mr Firth ended his year in office by organising a very successful Rotary Armed Forces Day Three Choirs Concert at St James’s Church and raised in excess of £5,000.