Umpires course set to be held

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The Stamford Umpires' Association is running an ECB Association of Cricket Officials training course next month.

No previous knowledge is expected, but most who take part will have played or done some umpiring.

There are two stages of the course. Stage one covers those laws of the game which are most relevant to the recreational game at both junior and club levels and stage two goes into them with a little more detail.

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The major changes to the laws introduced in September 2017 are fully covered, as are the further changes due in April 2019.

The course uses the ECB ACO course book to supplement numerous slides showing situations in cricket matches.

Derek Patience, a qualified instructor, will run the course.

Dates: stage One - Sundays February 17 and 24; stage two - Sundays March 17 and 24 (all 10am to 4pm).

You can apply via

Further information is available from Derek Patience on 01780 753066 or via [email protected]